
Buy Now Pay Later solutions that enable any B2B company to grow quickly and safely.

General Information
B2B, Financial Services +1
Funding Stage
Debt Financing
Product Stage
Growth Mode
Business Model
Company Overview
Berlin, Germany
Mondu - Company Details
Mondu is a Germany-based startup with a clear mission: revolutionizing the B2B payments ecosystem with its Buy Now Pay Later solutions. The company's innovative payment offerings cater to B2B companies, enabling them to grow rapidly and securely. Mondu empowers merchants and marketplaces to provide their business customers with popular B2B payment methods and flexible payment terms across all sales channels, be it online, tele-sales, or field sales. With payment options such as purchase on invoice, SEPA direct debit, and Installments, Mondu not only facilitates smooth transactions but also shields vendors from default risk, eliminating the hassle of collections and dunning. Founded in 2021, Mondu has made significant strides, having raised a remarkable $90 million in equity and debt financing. This achievement is further underscored by the support of prominent investors including Valar Ventures, Cherry Ventures, the FinTech Collective, and German bank Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG. This substantial backing is a testament to the company's potential and innovation in the B2B, Financial Services, and Payments industries. Mondu's commitment to bringing B2B payments in line with B2C payments reflects its customer-centric approach. By ensuring a seamless, modern, and state-of-the-art payment experience for both sellers and buyers, the company is well-positioned to continue its upward trajectory. Consequently, Mondu represents a promising investment opportunity, boasting a compelling vision, strong financial backing, and a focus on addressing key pain points in the B2B payments landscape.